The PubQuiz web app was programmed within a week as part of the master class. The master class Mobile, consisting of 10 students, designed the functionalities and the idea behind the app until 16 May 2021. Everything that was not "programming" was allowed to be prepared before the so-called WildWeek. So the design, concept and project structure were already created by the Sunday before the hardcore programming week. Within a week, the functionalities in the backend and frontend were created. We were also faced with the special challenge of the home office. So everyone sat alone at home - well, almost alone, thanks to a Discord server we could see at any time which team members were working on which part of the implementation and we could also communicate directly or work together on a problem using screen sharing.
As a backend developer you are happy when a JSON object comes back correctly. The links in the database are correct or, like me in this project, when the names in two browser windows update simultaneously. But what should you present then. A client wants beautiful designs and an appealing frontend, then primarily the work of colleagues must serve. The fact that you can log in or register there is also nice, but rather secondary.
From the overall result of the week, we can say that we learned a lot about ourselves, be it communication - or not communication - in the team. That we should approach things differently next time, or simply that we should look at the designs together, we definitely took something away with us! Primarily triggered by talking past each other or misunderstandings, in my opinion. "Ugly" or let's call it "bad" can probably be called the rewriting of already almost finished code parts, which meant a lot of extra work, which could have been prevented with a little more communication.